Feeling lost?
Losing hope?
You are not alone.
Talk with a caring professional today.
“I’m dedicated to helping others on their own journey.”
I am dedicated to providing a safe and confidential environment for patients to connect with self and address any issues that inhibit growth. I believe that healthy relationships with self and others will allow an individual to build a realistic picture of life and assist in moving through challenges.
My personal experience with depression and anxiety stemming from childhood trauma and grief led to my career choice as a social worker. I quickly discovered that therapy was my "calling" and fulfilled my desire to use my own journey to help others. Life is hard! Can I say that again? LIFE IS HARD!
Along the way I've encountered "global" issues such as life transitions (new jobs, becoming a wife, becoming a mom), relationship issues, parenting issues as well as more personal issues such as miscarriages and stillbirth. All of these things in my life have reshaped me as a person and as a clinician and I'm dedicated to helping others on their journey.

After just one session, you’ll be one step closer to taking control of your mental and emotional well being.
Are you experiencing…
Whether it’s generalized anxiety or paralyzing panic attacks, anxiety can stop you in your tracks. Learn how to manage your anxiety with therapy.
Depression can leave you feeling little to no pleasure in life. Saddened mood, fatigue, increased irritability, and decreased focus and concentration can impair your ability to function in daily life. Working with a therapist can increase mood.
Loss of life is not the only way we experience grief. Loss of job or plans, hopes and dreams can all leave us experiencing a grief response.
Life Transitions
Transitioning from one stage of life to another, even if expected and positive, can result in one feeling lost and ill-equipped to handle new challenges.
Perinatal Mood Disorders
Only recently recognized, perinatal mood disorders affect almost 20% of moms. The most commonly recognized is postpartum depression. It is much broader than this and can be postpartum anxiety, postpartum OCD, postpartum psychosis. Any of these disorders can begin in pregnancy or appear up to 12 months after birth.
Traumatic events alter the way we perceive future situations. Learning how to effectively deal with traumas and cope with triggers can allow you to return to normalcy in life.